He was touched by all the replies he received as many reported back to him what they had done to fulfill his birthday wish. One in particular was very creative and very cute, a clear jar filled with soft, little starburst balls of yarn, "warm fuzzies." Primary children had challenged themselves to fill this jar to give to the prophet as a birthday present. Each little fuzzy represented a kind act that they had performed for someone else, like visiting a lonely woman and singing to her, or giving extra hugs and kisses to their mom while their dad was away in military service.
I loved this idea of a warm fuzzy jar and decided to begin one in our home. I have four young boys and like many siblings, they don't always get along or treat each other kindly. I thought this would be a fun way to encourage my boys to serve and be more conscious of their other brother's needs and wants. I will reward us all when the "warm fuzzy" jar is full by having an ice cream outing or something the boys choose. I know that this will be a fun way to bring more happiness into our home.
I am sharing this idea with you to give you the chance to either implement something similar in your homes or continue to encourage you in your efforts to have an attitude of service in your lives.
The closing hymn of this session of conference was a great song, "Have I Done Any Good?" This hymn ends with the Chorus:
Then wake up and do something more
than dream of your mansions above.
Doing good is a pleasure
a joy beyond measure,
a blessing of duty and love.
It is true as you reach out and offer service, you lose focus on your own problems and find real happiness in lightening the burden of someone else in need. Please find a way to do something good today, you will immediately invite more happiness into your lives. When you do, feel free to report back to this blog and make a comment. It will bless me and all those who read it to hear how people are showing acts of kindness. It will renew the hope for those who are struggling to believe. Thank you.