Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Children Know Best

Young children have an innate ability to be happy.   They don't over analyze any situation, they just enjoy it for all it is worth!  My sons can find pure, unadulterated joy in chasing a bubble in the park, or splashing in a mud puddle, or following an ant across the patio.  The key is that they don't worry so much about who is watching them or if their hair, clothes, or asset portfolio looks just right. When someone smashes their sand castle or pushes them too hard in a game of chase, they don't hold a grudge, they will quickly and easily forgive and start rebuilding their castle even better and higher than before!  They keep trying to make life fun and make new friends where ever they go.  With an absence of peer pressure and fear, they boldly speak out against injustices. Young children always tell the truth, even if they were the ones that broke the cookie jar.  They trust and defend their family who loves them and are not ashamed to say I love you ten times a day.  Just a thought... we could all stand to learn a lot from what the children know best.  Have a great, youthful day!

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