Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's impossible to be miserable when... are playing peek-a-boo with a cute giggling, laughing baby.

...are getting a big hug and a "I love you mommy/daddy/sweet heart."

...watching a fireworks show and listening to the star spangled banner.

...touching down on an American runway after being out of the country for a long time. are knelt in prayer with your well-fed children in front of a warm bed with a safe roof over your head. take the time to really examine a beautiful flower, smell its fragrance, count its petals, ponder the purpose of its being and discover it was created for you by someone who loves you.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ponder this...

I was thinking back to a pivotal time in my life many years ago when I was trying to make some big choices.  At the suggestion of a good book I was reading, I tried to make of list of all the things in my life that made me happy or gave me pleasure.  I remember that I had very few real experiences of stereotypical happiness from which to draw.  I had a difficult childhood, and my adolescence was not much easier.  But as an adult, I was in control and wanted to break any and all bad cycles of the past, moving ahead in positive directions.  In spite of my melancholy past, I still felt very blessed and gifted in many ways and wanted to share my talents with others.  I instinctively knew that this would be my path to happiness for myself.
I read in this book that if you didn't have a safe place to meditate and plan for your life, you could make up one in your head.  It would be your happy place, your safety zone to create, recharge, and plan your next move. So I invented a "happy place" in my imagination.  It needed to be a very definite and detailed place.  So when I closed my eyes, I reclined barefoot in a large, clean room on a comfortable couch where I could soak up the soft, natural light that would flood into the space.  To one side of me there were tall windows bordered with long flowing white sheers that would dance and flick in the breeze across the contrasting sea foam green walls.  In this space all was very organic and natural.  No one here would shout or judge or abuse.  I could peacefully enjoy the soothing silence of the room.
I share this description of my happy place, not because I think it will be the kind of place that everyone would like, but to encourage each of you to seek out a place, either real or imaginary, where you can take time to ponder.  Listen to your thoughts and wait until they've had their say and are quiet.........  That is when new inspirations will come.  Open your mind to them, hear them out.  You can bounce new ideas around without fear, or you can just enjoy a break from the barrage of stimulus that is so hard to get away from now a days.  This sounds a lot like meditation.  Because it is.  Give yourself a few minutes each day.  
An inspiring physics professor once told my unreceptive evening class of young adults that we should drive home in silence and to resist the urge to turn on the radio.  I tried it that night, and have since done it many times.  It was very surprising!  Being alone with my thoughts opened up many new possibilities.  I found out that it's okay to talk to yourself.  Really!  I think the world would be a better and happier place if people thought things through more and pondered the consequences of their actions or lack of responsible actions.  
Pondering, daydreaming, and meditating will be worth the time it takes!   And this tid bit of advice is brought to you by someone who struggles with impulsivity on a biochemical level.  So slow down and ponder away to a brighter day!  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Children Know Best

Young children have an innate ability to be happy.   They don't over analyze any situation, they just enjoy it for all it is worth!  My sons can find pure, unadulterated joy in chasing a bubble in the park, or splashing in a mud puddle, or following an ant across the patio.  The key is that they don't worry so much about who is watching them or if their hair, clothes, or asset portfolio looks just right. When someone smashes their sand castle or pushes them too hard in a game of chase, they don't hold a grudge, they will quickly and easily forgive and start rebuilding their castle even better and higher than before!  They keep trying to make life fun and make new friends where ever they go.  With an absence of peer pressure and fear, they boldly speak out against injustices. Young children always tell the truth, even if they were the ones that broke the cookie jar.  They trust and defend their family who loves them and are not ashamed to say I love you ten times a day.  Just a thought... we could all stand to learn a lot from what the children know best.  Have a great, youthful day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Trees!

I have a great many happy memories involving mountains and trees.  Just looking at them still makes me happy.  When I was on my mission in the Dominican Republic, my companions and I took a personal day and went on a hike.  It was hot and invigorating!  We crossed a small stream and came upon a hill with an open field surrounded on all sides by lush jungle.  It was breathtaking.  All you could see was a million shades of green below baby blue skies and cotton ball clouds.  The breeze was cool and sweet.  Out in the middle of this field sat a massive mango tree.  We climbed up and laid out on the huge branches and helped ourselves to arms full of mangos.  Later that afternoon back in our apartment the air filled with more sweet smells as we eagerly awaited the mango cobbler that I had created.  That was a good day!
Please post a comment or a picture of a happy memory or thought perhaps regarding mountains or trees.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happiness Is...

Late last night I had some impressions about why we pursue happiness so diligently.   And as I was pondering what I wanted to post on this blog, I came across a quote that summed it up really well.  A person I respect, Jack H. Goaslind, said many years ago that..."Our yearnings for happiness were implanted in our hearts by Deity.  They represent a kind of homesickness, for we have a residual memory of our pre-mortal existence.  They are also a foretaste of the fulness of joy that is promised to the faithful.  We can expect with perfect faith that our Father will fulfill our innermost longings for joy.  In fact, the plan he has given to guide us is called 'the plan of happiness.' (Alma 42:16)"
I enjoyed pondering the idea that we were once completely wrapped up in joy and happiness in our Father's presence.  For a time we are here to perform our life's work and learn how to get back home where we will experience pure joy and happiness again.  Still there is much joy and happiness to be experienced here on earth!  Our Father wants us to be happy.  
We will most certainly pass through trials and hard times.  There is a season for everything, but happiness is supposed to be felt throughout our whole earthly experience, including during the difficult times.  It will be easier to feel more happiness at some times than others.  But it should be our constant quest.  We can make happiness happen through little things we do each day.  We are to be of good cheer always, not just when things are going well for us.  
The word cheer comes from Greek words that mean "God within."  When you are of good cheer, you have the Spirit of God in your heart.  It is a familiar place for your spirit.  And you experience happiness there.
I once heard that no two thoughts can exist in the same place at the same time.  So if you have a negative thought it will push out any happy one.  And visa versa.  Since I heard this I have made a conscious effort to think happy thoughts.  Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed or sad, frustrated or angry, I have complete control over how long those feelings stay with me.  If I choose to think of happy thoughts, I then become happy.  
This all goes along with the saying; count your blessings, name them one by one.  Even if you are feeling a complete absence of joy, if you will just start naming your blessings, your mood will elevate and it will become easier and easier to name more and more good things in your life.  The more you do this the more happiness you will feel.  And if you can't think of something nice to be grateful for, turn to a friend or loved one for suggestions.  Or just look around to find something beautiful.  It will be there, He will not leave us comfortless!
Well, I don't want wear anyone out with my ranting.  I want to assure you that even though it may take some effort on your part, happiness happens!  So please, share a happy thought today with someone.  It may be needed at that moment more than you realize.  Feel free to post comments of your happy thoughts, experiences and even pictures here to share with others.  Bye for now!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome to your happy place!

With all the negativity out there and in the news, I have become very motivated to offer a place where people can come and get their daily dose of smiles and warm fuzzies.  I will try to be as inspirational with my blog writing as I have been with past public speaking opportunities.  The purpose of this site is for anyone and everyone who needs a smile to COME AND GET IT!  Here on this blog I will relate past experiences, my life's lessons, and current inspirations.  I encourage all who visit to post comments of their own happy thoughts, memories, experiences, pictures, or descriptions of their own happy places.  Together we can lift each other's spirits and spread happiness and wisdom around.  Everyone needs a happy place to go to when the world gets a bit depressing or overwhelming.  Welcome to that happyplace4u!